You might feel like you’re too busy to eat, but going hungry can lower your blood sugar and deprive you of cognitive energy. Out of desperation, I decided to write down every bipolar symptom I had experienced—since my teen years—to see if there was a pattern. I focused on what I thought, what I said, and what I did during my tough times. Brain mush can be caused by many things, including poor nutrition, a sleep disroder, or alcohol abuse. This article is not a substitute for professional health advice.

The swelling is composed of a mix of fluid and inflammatory cells.

Side Effects

In most cases, the fog is not permanent, and most people eventually are able to find a solution. While mental exhaustion can affect anyone, students have a particularly high risk of it. When your brain is fried, it’s harder to retain and recall all that information you’ve spent mush brain hours studying. When you’re already functioning at full capacity, thinking about a big job you have to get done can make you feel as if your brain is ready to shut down. You’re already mentally exhausted, so a new project may seem too daunting for you to even make a start.

  • My confidence is SHOT, and I desperately need to get back to where I was.
  • Health professionals do not know exactly what causes brain zaps.
  • Once you identify the underlying cause, you can begin fixing the problem.
  • However, black-legged ticks are often so small (one-eighth of an inch) that they are difficult to find.
  • ‘This alone can heighten stress levels and cause you to feel less motivated to do much else.

I was then ready to create and use a plan to get out of the depression. The process taught me that I think, say, and do the same things every time I get depressed—and so does pretty much anyone who is in a mood swing. If you’re diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, a doctor may recommend a corticosteroid or other medication to reduce inflammation or suppress the immune system. The doctor may also conduct allergy testing or a sleep study to check for a sleep disorder. When your brain is exhausted, it becomes harder to think, reason, and focus.

How to Get Rid of Brain Mush Once and for All

You might also experience other changes in mood or emotions. Cynicism, apathy, lack of motivation, and trouble focusing can all be signs of an overworked brain. Brain zaps and other side effects from discontinuing antidepressants usually stop within 1–2 weeks.

Always remember that every one of us is larger and more complex than the mischief of anxiety, fear, and shame may have us believe. However, there are medical interventions that can help maximize repair and functional recovery. Recovery, on the other hand, is slow, subtle, and stepwise, with the most rapid changes occurring during the first few weeks following stroke. This article discusses the recovery period from a stroke and what effects to expect.

Suffering from brain mush? Here’s how to get things done

Always ask a doctor before taking any vitamins or other supplements, as they may interfere with other medications a person is taking or cause unpleasant side effects. However, people have tried some supplements, with mixed degrees of success. In many people who do experience them, they may last only a few weeks, according to a systematic review.

brain feels like mush


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